Selim’s artwork is appreciated as a rarity in the world of functional sculpture. His “containers”, decorative pieces, Organic Protective Helmets and other creations are proves of creative capacity and high craft quality.
The epic of the human species was based from its origins on the capacity to transform the materials provided by the environment. In fact, the appearance and later development of the civilizations were possible from the manipulation of four basic elements: stone , mud, wood and fur, which gave place to the evolution of the Housing, Clothing and Tools concepts, without which the survival had been not been possible.
From those primitive materials, Leather, what is to say tanned skins, was the latest one to be taken as an element of artistic expression. Its structure of protein nature, result of a vital process of growth, allows to soften it and to harden it voluntarily, which united to its characteristics of flexibility and durability, turns it to a material that offers an extraordinary field of creative freedom recently discovered by artists-craftsmen worldwide.
After five decades of labour and workshop dedicated exclusively to the accomplishment of unique and unrepeatable pieces, Selim’s leather works are a reference exponent for that recent irruption of Leather in the field of art; his proposal, consequently factual, maintains the double challenge of harmonizing the aesthetic and the functional aspects, entering himself into the investigation of the volume through the binomial form-function.
At the present time, Selim’s works appear among the best nourished collections in Europe, Japan and the United States, being considered like authentic Antiquities of Tomorrow.